miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012


Rigoberta Menchú Tum is her real name, she was born on Uspantán, January 9, 1959. She is a Guatemalan indigenous leader, member of the Quiché-Maya, human rights defender, Goodwill Ambassador of Unesco and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation.
She is known for his leadership of the social struggles nationally and internationally. On February 12, 2007, announced that he would run in presidential elections in Guatemala, 2007, by the coalition of parties Winaq Encounter for Guatemala, came fifth with 3.09%. Despite the defeat, May 7, 2011 the indigenous party with other parties Winaq proclaimed presidential candidate for the presidential elections of 11 September 2011 in the Broad Front of Guatemala. 
His candidacy was supported by the Nobel Prize Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, whose country was visited by Rigoberta in August 1992. His campaign Pro traveled and had the organization Nobel Ana Gonzalez (anthropologist) (daughter of the anthropologist Rex Gonzalez) and Lucretia Lombán (Quilmes APDH secretary), among other activists and humanitarian organizations. The Nobel Prize was awarded in recognition of their struggle for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation based on respect for indigenous rights, coinciding with the fifth centenary of the arrival of Columbus to America, and the declaration of 1993 International Year of Indigenous Peoples.
In the reading of the award, claimed historical rights denied to indigenous peoples and denounced the persecution suffered since the arrival of Europeans to America, when it concluded a developed civilization in all fields of knowledge, also reflected the need for peace , demilitarization and social justice in their country, Guatemala, and respect for nature and equality for women. Speaking in the act of accepting the prize found in the site Nobel.6 And in this same site you can find a brief biography (in English) of the award.

But also, to win the Nobel Peace Prize also received several awards; 
- In 1991, he participated in the preparation of the declaration of the rights of indigenous peoples by the United Nations.
- In 1998 he was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, together with Fatiha Boudiaf, Fatana Ishaq Gailani, Somaly Mam, Emma Bonino, Olayinka Koso Graça Machel and Thomas for their work separately, defense and dignity of the woman.
- In 2006, he participated as an ambassador of "goodwill" of the (UNESCO), the government of Oscar Berger.
- He received the Guiness World Record for "the youngest winner of the Nobel" and "first native Indian."

Since May 2004, supports the work and commitment of the Share Foundation. He supports his work in Latin America, to educate the Culture of Peace and cooperate in defending the rights of thousands of children.

1 comentario:

  1. It is good thing you updated your blog, but it seems to me that some of the information was translated by the translator and some information is too long, it was not necessary to do that. You should have written shorter and easier information. Anyway go on.
