jueves, 14 de junio de 2012


The health and proper functioning of our body depends on nutrition and food we have in life.
Food and Nutrition even seem to mean the same,  but are different concepts.
Food we can take from our environment, foods from the diet (mouth to outside) and Nutrition is the set of processes that allow our bodies use the nutrients in food to perform their functions (of the mouth to inside).
Food is all natural and industrial products we consume to fill a physiological necessity. Nutrients are substances found in food and the body needs to perform different functions and maintain health. There are five types of nutrients called: Proteins or Proteins, Fats and Lipids, Carbohydrates and Carbohydrates, Vitamins and Minerals.

Are the building blocks needed to grow and repair damage to the body.
They are found in meat (beef, poultry, hunting), fish, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, cheeses, meats (salami, sausages, salami), grains such as beans, beans, peas, lentils.

They give us energy and heat to move and perform all daily activities. They are of plant origin.
It is found in grains: corn, wheat, rice, sorghum and their products (flour, pasta) tubers or vegetables: potatoes, yams, celery, cassava, taro, taro Chinese mapuey, sweet potato, banana, sugar (white or brown) , honey and brown sugar, grains such as beans of all colors, peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans, quinchonchos.

They are the most concentrated source of energy for our body and brain. Participate in different specific functions and are part of the body's tissues and some vitamins and hormones. Source of calories for children, but adults should consume in moderation.
They are found in red meat, chicken skin, milk, butter and cheese, vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, sesame, cotton), margarine, avocado, olives, some seeds such as peanuts, cashews, pistachios, almonds, walnuts. 

They are vitamins A, D, E, K, C, B complex and folic acid.
Perform essential functions for the body. Help in the process of transformation of energy and promote the body's defense system against disease. They are found in almost all foods especially fruits, vegetables and animal foods.

The main minerals are: calcium, iron, iodine and zinc. They participate in various specific functions and are part of the body's tissues (eg, the calcium form and maintain bones and teeth, iron is part of the blood). The minerals involved in growth, human reproduction, muscle function, among others. They are found mainly in foods of animal origin. 

Fiber helps to expel the stool easily, prevents colon cancer and reduce blood cholesterol.
It is found in plant foods such as vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber), fruits (melon, watermelon, orange, apple), grains (beans, peas, lentils, beans), vegetables (yuca, celery, Nane, sweet potato) and whole grains.

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