martes, 15 de mayo de 2012


Silvina Angüilla:
My name is Silvina.I'm fifteen years old.I'm tall and thin.I've got brown hair and brown eyes.
I live in La Paz, Canelones with my mother Mónica and my father Daniel.I've got a pet; It's a dog, her name is Osa.I go to "San Juan Bosco" highschool in Las Piedras.
I like pizza but i don't like fish.My favourite drink is orange juice.My favourite colour is green and my lucky number is four.I like playing the piano but I don't like playing the guitar.In my free time I play computer games and go out with my friends.
My best friend is Lorena, she's fifteen years old, she's got black hair and black eyes.She's fat and tall.She likes dogs but she doesn't like cats.She lives with her family.
Every day I get up at half past six, at seven o'clock I have breakfast.At half past seven I go to school. I return home at a quarter to two, then I have lunch. After that, I do my homework and play computer games.
At half past six I have tea with my mother. Then i listen to music or go shopping. At night, I have the dinner, and go to bed about eleven o'clock.
Tuesdays and fridays I go to English class from 5:00 to 6:15.
Every saturday I go out with my friends or visit my parents.

Romina Santurio: 

My name is Romina. I'm 15 years old. I've got brown hair and brown eyes. I live in Las Piedras, Uruguay with my mother,my father and my sister.
I'm a student, I go to San Juan Bosco higschool.  My favorite subject is history but I don't like Math. My best friend is Cecilia she's 15 years old. 
I love listening to music, my favorite singers are Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus.
Everyday I wake up at 6:00 am. In breakfast I usually eat toasts and coffee at 7:45 am I go to school. I return home at 2:00 pm. I have lunch then I do my homework or use the computer. When I have time I like listening to music or watching tv.
I have dinner at 9:00 pm I usually eat meat or fish whit rice or salad. I go to bed at 10:00 pm because I have to get up early, at 6:00 am.

Rosina Cabrera
Hi Alicia! My name is Rosina, i'm fifteen years old. I've got blonde curly hair, and green eyes. I live in Juanicó, Canelones; with my parents and my brother. 
I've got a pet, it's a dog and her name is Blacky; i'ts a peasant and i'ts so beautifull. 
I've go to San Juan Bosco higschool, i'm studing 4° grade, and for the time being i'ts no so difficult, but I have two subjects low. My favourite subject is English and History, because for me, Mathematics are difficult.
In my free time I listen to music, go out with friends, or sometimes I watch a movie in my house. Everyday I wake up at half past six am, I breakfast, and then I go to study. I came back home around half past two after I eat some food that my moms cooks me, and finally I go to my bedroom to study for the next day. At six o'clock I take a shower, and then I have tea with my mom and my brother.
Finally at night, I have dinner with my family and then around ten o'clock I go to bed.